Hardrock Hilton (Headquarters)
H. K. Johnson – Cmdr. Johnson, known by many as simply Bud, has the FCF name of Hardrock. It’s clearly because of his sweet and gentle personality – Cmdr. Andrews called him “Tender Tough.”
He was Deputy District Cmdr. under Cmdr. Andrews for 14 years before he became District Cmdr. in 1991. He was a behind the scenes man to just “make it happen.” He did what ever he could to make the ministry more effective and to make Cmdr. Andrews look good. Ultimately, he formed a team within the Ranger leaders to develop a master plan for the camp. When done it was a rather large and ambitions undertaking which was unanimously named Camp Lone Eagle (in honor of and using Cmdr. Andrews FCF name…Lone Eagle).
Once conceived and agreed to, the work began to put all the components together. Bit by bit and with visionary well wishers from every corner, that plan was approved. First the roads, the gorge, water, power, facilities, camp site development and then the Headquarters building itself. The history of all that giving, and development will likely only be fully known when we get to heaven, but the names: East, Cook, Schramm, Hudson, Brock, Zielke, Turner, Dobbins, Lolley, Rylant, Rice, Hall, Scott, Sasser, Walter, Summers, Wells… float to the top. There were many, many helping hands, just too many to list here …only the Lord knows of all the sacrifices. We thank them all.
The stories of some of these contributors is told in the marker readouts at the various stations around the camp. We hope you enjoy the stories laid out for you and our lovely camp as well.
Cmdr. Johnson has been recognized with numerous national recognitions, the Royal Rangers Alumni Lifetime Service Award and the FCF Flame of Honor. He has also received our state’s Lone Eagle Leadership Award. His impact on Alabama Royal Rangers has been huge.